Search engine changes their algorithms every now and then. And keeping up with the latest SEO best practices is difficult. What can be more challenging is performing SEO for information technology and other tech companies. In this blog, we have some tips you can use to improve the SEO of your technology company and your digital presence.

4 tips to boost SEO for your tech company

1. Conduct extensive keyword research

The whole point of having an online presence is to be found by your target audience. Your website or pages need to start showing up in the SERPs (search engine results pages) and for that, you need to have a good idea of what keywords to target Keywords are the exact phrases or search terms that users type other search engines to look for a company. So, if you work in a healthcare startup, if someone wanted to find you, they’d type “healthcare startups in [city]”.

Even after so many years of existence of search engines, keyword research remains to be one of the key steps in effective SEO for IT and tech companies. An imperative thing to do before conducting keyword research is to understand your audience in and out.

Conduct in-depth market research and try to develop buyer personas to find out your ideal customer’s search intent – the reason behind why users search for any query. The idea behind the entire keyword research is to align your SEO objectives with th search intent of the users. Following are some obvious but often neglected keyword-related tips you want to keep in mind:

  • Keywords must be relevant to the audience 
  • The keywords must also be relevant to your business & industry 
  • Keyword competition should be manageable in terms of your imeline and budget

You can deep dive into the minds of your audience by using tools like Google Autocomplete and Google Ads. Google Autocomplete shows suggestions for keywords as users start typing into the search bar of Google. The terms shows are some of the most searched terms and you should include them in your content plan. 

Google Ads gives you information o individual keywords, like how often users search for a particular keyword and how much one should pay in a PPC (pay-per-click) ad campaign. You also get some keyword suggestions related to your keyword and industry.

2. Focus on getting backlinks

4 effective SEO tips for tech & IT companies | iTMunch

Getting backlinks from high-authority websites is one of the important things an IT company does to enhance its search engine ranking. Backlinks basically mean the number of websites that are pointing towards your website. The ranking of your site and its visibility largely depends on how many other websites are linked to yours.

However, it is also crucial to note that the quality of those backlinks is much more important than the number of backlinks. And the quality of the backlink is directly connected to the source site’s authority. Various efficient tools, like Moz’ Domain Authority metric and the Website Authority Checker by Ahref, are available at your disposal. 

Earning backlinks from high-quality, high-authority websites will be difficult unless you’re a big website or brand already in the first place. But if you aren’t yet, how can you do it? The answer is content. If your content is genuinely good, authentic, reliable, and relevant, some websites will link your content sooner or later.

3. Get listed in online directories 

If you are a technology company, you need to be proactive and be available when people search for you. Industry-specific directories allow you to enlist your business name, contact number, address, email address, and a website link. You should create your listings in about 10 directories at first ad create some more after a month.

However, too many links from not-so-high or low-quality websites might actually hurt you instead of helping you. If you suddenly get hundreds of backlinks in a week, you might also risk triggering red flags for the search algorithms of Google.

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4. Enhance your website experience

Previously, marketers and businesses focused more on decreasing a website’s bounce rate (the rate of the number of visitors leaving your site without interacting with any link on your site). Now, another metric called “dwell time” is gaining importance. Dwell time is the duration of time a user spends on a website before going back to the search engine results page. More relevant and original content will be the dwell time and lesser the bounce rate. Make sure that your content is engaging and relevant. 

The longer the duration a user spends on your landing page, the more value it attracts. Moreover, prioritize optimizing your website for mobile devices. You should also focus on enhancing and fixing your website’s page load speed. Why should you do this? The longer your web page takes to load, the higher the bounce rate. You can use free tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to get personalized ideas on how you can improve your page load speed. Some of the common ways to do so are compressing web page files, reducing redirects, optimizing images, and leveraging browser caching.

Are SEO services worth it?

If you are wondering if performing SEO activities or hiring an agency to perform SEO for you is worth it, the short answer is- Absolutely. SEO is always effective in helping you generate traffic for your website and get more leads. Though there are paid SEM ways to get noticed, like PPC, to get instant attention to your website, organic SEO results are 8.5 times more likely to get clicked than PPC links [1]. 

Yes, it takes much longer and a lot of patience to run an effective SEO campaign. But organic search results are still worth the time and effort. One reason behind this is it is a lot cheaper. They are more trusted than pay-per-click adverts, as you won’t lose your top rank overnight. In the long run, your tech business will see many benefits.

If you’re looking for a company that offers expert SEO services, your search ends at iTMunch. Have a look at our SEO services here.

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Featured Image: DiggityMarketing from Pixabay

Image 1: Firmbee from Pixabay


[1] Moz Via Enquisite (2008) “PPC Agencies Make 45X What SEOs Do for the Same Value” [Online] Available from: [Accessed January 2022]