Welcome to the second part of our SEO guide which is carefully curated to help you create content that yields results. The first part focussed on hiring SEO content writers instead of generic writers, the importance of keyword research, identifying the target audience, and why you need to create SEO-optimized meta descriptions and titles. 

The second part of our SEO guide will cover topics including the need for regular SEO audits, the importance of a content calendar and a backlink plan, and other vital topics. 

Without further ado, let’s continue from where we left off and examine the other aspects of SEO and content creation. 

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How can I create SEO-friendly content?

After identifying your target audience and determining your primary keywords, you are now set to create your content. Here are a few more ways to improve the performance of your content creation efforts.

1. Audit your existing content regularly

You can start executing your content marketing strategy once you have a fair idea about your target audience, keywords, and the topics you can cover. That said, content creation should never solely rely on keyword research. It is equally important to audit your existing content. 

It is essential to know whether you have covered a topic that shows up in your recent search. If the answer is yes, the topic can fall under any of these four brackets:

  • Content requires minor edits

This is largely true for high-priority keywords. Often, we include stats and figures used from a previous year, making the content a bit outdated. It is a good idea to update those numbers to ensure your content is fresh and up to date. Besides, you can also identify how you can format, structure, and improve the quality of your content. 

  • Content requires major updates

Large content updates are often executed to elaborate more on a certain topic, improvise based on a new intent, or cater to a different target audience. 

  • Opportunities to merge content

You may discover that some of your articles on a particular topic overlap heavily. If so, merge them into a single detailed post. As a result, it might be simpler to rank for the keyword with the highest potential for traffic and/or conversion.

  • Delete outdated content

If a work has become out of date, no longer relevant, or falls well short of your current standards for excellence, it is a good idea to delete it altogether. Whether you intend to modify it or not, deleting it from your website is ideal for user experience and SEO.

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2. Content and editorial calendar

SEO Content Calendar

When you have your target keywords and topic, you should ideally organize them in a publishing schedule. Add a due date and assign a content writer – a freelancer or an in-house writer for every topic. 

Once the content is assigned to a writer, you need to ensure that they create high-quality content. This is why, it is important to create a checklist that the writers need to duly follow before and after creating a piece of content. Besides, high-quality briefs should be given to writers that contain important information including:

  • Primary and secondary keywords
  • Target audience
  • SEO guidelines
  • How this article or content piece will address the audience’s requirements

3. Create a solid backlink strategy

Building links helps your site rank better and increase domain authority. In reality, writing in-depth content about a target term and expecting it to organically rank is never sufficient—especially if you have a new site.

The answer? Build backlinks to each piece of content actively. Find websites that are relevant to your goal keywords and connect to their content. Then, get in touch with them and let them know that you have a better resource that they should link to.

4. Topic cluster strategy

Pillar pieces, as the name suggests are the central content pieces around which, content clusters are created. You will need a foolproof cluster content strategy to create content clusters around a core content piece. The idea here is to create granular content pieces that support the main page of a certain topic. For example, let’s assume that “B2B SEO Services” is the main page of a certain website. In this case, you will create topics around B2B SEO services and support the main or the pillar page. 

5. Content structure

Stick to a clear structure if you want to produce excellent content.

Identify the main point of your piece first. Your writing will be simpler and more efficient if you divide the content into several sections. Once you’ve organized your information, you may work on each section independently without needing to take a break to gather your thoughts.

There should be an introduction, a main body, and a conclusion for each piece of content. You can break up the body into various sections and compose content that both reflects your personality and connects with your readers.

Making the most of your conclusion is something that people ought to overlook. There should be compelling call-to-action phrases at the end of your writing that encourage readers to take the intended action.

6. Share and amplify your content

Someone with rich SEO experience understands the importance of content amplification. Today, thanks to a plethora of cutting-edge tools, you can easily auto-generate posts and publish them on various social media channels. That said, nothing beats the impact of an organic and personally crafted social media post.

Do not forget to share the latest content piece across different social media platforms as soon as they are published. Although most businesses have a presence across different social channels, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook are effective to share blogs and articles. We understand that you may not have the time to do this, which is why you should hire a social media expert who is aware of the potential of your preferred platform, the usage of hashtags, regular posting, and good grammar.

Improper language and careless writing are the two factors that could ruin a brand’s image in no time. 

Also, never underestimate the impact of email marketing. This is your target market, and the more valuable information you deliver them, the longer they will continue to patronise you and spread the word regarding your brand.

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Final words 

No matter what type of content you’re trying to create, you must always think like an SEO expert to ensure that your work performs well and the ROI grows as the rankings improve.

In the world of digital marketing, creating consistent, SEO-friendly content is an integral part of an effective longer-term strategy, in contrast to paid advertising channels that close down once the money is depleted.

Continue reading iTMunch for the latest SEO trends and know more about the latest developments in the tech world!

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