Figma, the design tool creator that has allocated almost $83 million from investors such as Index Ventures, Sequoia, Greylock, and Kleiner Perkins, has introduced a new feature called Auto Layout.

The Functioning of the Auto Layout

It takes some of the tiresome reformattings out of the design method.

Designers are all also accustomed to the problem of manually sizing content in new segments. 

For instance, when a designer designs a new button for a web page, the text in the button has to be manually sized to ensure the text within the button. 

If the writing changes, or the dimension of the button, everything has to be changed accordingly.

This problem is worsened when there are many examples of a particular component, all of which have to be manually changed.

Auto Layout works as a toggle. 

When it is on, Figma performs all the adjusting for designers, making sure content is focused within components and that the components themselves change to fit any new content that may be included. 

When an object in a frame is re-sized or modified, the content around it dynamically changes along with it.

Auto Layout also enables users to change the adjustment of a list of items from vertical to horizontal and back again, modify the original sizing of a component in a list, or re-order components in a list with a single click.

It is pretty much like creating on auto-pilot.

Auto Layout also works within the component system, enabling designers to twitch the source of truth without separating the symbol or content from it, indicating that these changes flow into the rest of their designs.

Figma CEO Dylan Field stated that there was a huge demand for this feature from consumers, and assumes that this will enable design teams to work much faster when it gets to user testing and iterative design.

Figma auto layout | iTMunch

Other Developments at Figma 

Besides the launch, Figma is also stating that it has taken on its first independent board member. 

Lynn Vojvodich is associated with Danny Rimer, John Lilly, Mamoon Hamid, and Andrew Reed on the Figma board.

Vojvodich has a treasure of experience as an operator in the tech industry, working as EVP and CMO at 

She was an associate at Andreesen Horowitz and started her company Take3 for ten years.

Field added that, as discussions proceeded with Vojvodich, she constantly delivered value to the team with firm answers and great insights, seeing that her experience translates.

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