We hope you enjoyed reading the first chapter of this comprehensive Facebook marketing guide for beginners in 2023. We will continue from where we left off and discuss a few more effective Facebook marketing strategies that will help businesses flourish on the world’s largest social media platform. 

Guide to Facebook marketing – strategies designed for success

You have learnt how to create a Facebook page for your business, the different targeting options on Facebook, determine your target audience, and the different ad formats available on Facebook. The second chapter of this Facebook marketing guide will zoom in on conversion tracking, Facebook paid campaigns, campaign performance tracking, and so on. 

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7. Conversion tracking and Facebook Pixel

Once you identify your target audience and are all set to go, we recommend adding a Facebook pixel to your website. Facebook pixel is a data-gathering tool that provides valuable insights into your paid Facebook ad campaigns. It is a tracking code that enables you to build custom audiences and retargeting campaigns. 

Facebook pixel introduces cookies to your website which allows Facebook to track the different actions of users seamlessly. 

These actions are referred to as events in Facebook’s terminology. Pixel can track around 17 conventional events including:

  • Lead
  • Purchase
  • Add payment data
  • Complete registration
  • Add to wishlist
  • Add to cart
  • Search
  • Initiate checkout
  • Contact
  • View content
  • Customize product
  • Find location
  • Donate
  • Start trial
  • Submit application
  • Schedule
  • Subscribe

It is also a good practice to enable conversion tracking while adding Facebook pixel. Businesses can capture conversions to measure the performance of their campaigns when conversion tracking is in place. 

To know more about Facebook marketing services, Schedule a demo

8. Create your first Facebook ad campaign

You are now all set to create and launch your first Facebook ad campaign. Before you put your foot on the gas, you need to configure a few basic elements including the objective of your campaign, the budget, delivery, and schedule to name a few.  

  • Determine your objective

Business objectives penned on a notepad

You are shooting in the dark when you create a Facebook campaign without a clear objective. Besides, your time, effort, and resources are likely to go down the drain without a well-defined objective. Therefore, it is very critical to determine the objective of your Facebook marketing campaign before launching it. 

Some of the most common Facebook marketing objectives include:

  • Increase website traffic
  • Build brand awareness
  • Reach a wider audience
  • Increase app installs
  • Boost engagement
  • Increase video views
  • Generate more leads
  • Improving conversions
  • Track store traffic
  • Increase catalogue sales

The ultimate objective is to attract more customers, increase revenue, and business growth. 

  • Choose your audience

The next step is to choose your target audience. You can either choose to target a custom group from your target audience or manually define the targeting by using the information collected from pixel.  

  • Set a budget

Setting a budget is one of the most critical aspects of a paid Facebook ad campaign. Your budget is the amount of money you wish to spend on a particular ad campaign. Depending on your research and objectives, you can either set a daily or lifetime budget on Facebook. 

Facebook will pace your ad spend in line with the daily budget that you specify. Although the daily spending won’t exactly match the amount, over time the average daily spending will equal the limit you chose.

When you choose a lifetime budget, you determine how long you want the campaign to run. After that, you select the total spending limit for that time frame, and Facebook will deliver your ads in accordance with it.

  • Schedule

This is another useful feature that makes Facebook an attractive marketing platform. It allows you to define the time of the day you want your ads to run. Besides, you can also choose the start and end dates for each campaign. 

  • Delivery

Facebook offers two main delivery types including accelerated and standard. 

The standard delivery model will display ads throughout the entire duration of the day. On the other hand, in the accelerated delivery model, Facebook is likely to spend your budget as soon as possible.  

  • Create an ad

After all the aforementioned aspects are taken care off, you can now create your ad. Although Facebook will make suggestions on the different ad formats you could use based on your objectives, you need to take the final decision. Once you have chosen an ad format, you can now focus on the creative elements of the ad campaign. 

9. Measure the performance of your ad campaign

Strategy Business Planning Analysis

It is very important to track performance once you launch your campaign. This will help you understand if your campaign is helping you achieve your goals.

Keep an eye on the key tracking metrics mentioned below:

  • Impressions: The number of times people see your ad
  • Click-through-rate: The average cost for each person that clicks your ad
  • Cost-per-click: The average amount you spend for every person that clicks your ad
  • Reach: The total number of people who see your ad at least once
  • Cost-per-click: The average money spent on each click

Track these metrics to identify areas of improvement. You can make adjustments to ensure the performance of your campaigns is as expected. 

10. Think about Facebook retargeting campaigns

This Facebook marketing guide would be incomplete without mentioning Facebook retargeting campaigns. Facebook retargeting is the last piece of the puzzle and a key component of your Facebook marketing strategy. Such ad campaigns are typically directed toward past customers or website visitors. Retargeting is one of the best ways to remind your past customers and visitors about your business. Do not forget that the chances of past customers buying from you again are significantly high if they had a pleasant overall experience. Therefore, retargeting allows you to build brand loyalty and engage with such audience members. 

There are several reasons why it is a good practice to have an active remarketing campaign. The main purpose of a remarketing campaign is to ensure that you do not lose out on potential customers who have visited your website or Facebook page.  Your visitors may easily forget about your business in today’s highly competitive market landscape. Therefore it is important to interact with them at regular intervals. It goes without saying that you need to install Facebook pixel to launch retargeting campaigns. 

How can you become a Facebook marketing pro?

The steps mentioned in this Facebook marketing guide provide an overview of all the key elements of a Facebook marketing strategy. This guide is a good way to get acquainted with Facebook marketing. However, we recommend taking a Facebook marketing course to maximize your productivity and effectiveness as a Facebook marketer. 

Here are a few ways to master Facebook marketing. 

  • Facebook ads courses

There are many credible and reputed instructors that teach you the ins and outs of Facebook marketing. Do your own research and sign up for a Facebook ads course that fits your budget to kickstart your Facebook marketing career. 

  • Facebook Blueprint program

Facebook Blueprint offers multiple professional certifications in addition to online programs. These certifications are the most coveted in the field of digital marketing.

You must pass a knowledge test to earn one of the certifications.

The rules are quite strict as you are not permitted to have any materials on your desk during the exam. Additionally, you cannot open additional browser tabs when you are giving the exam. This is why these certifications are highly credible and carry significant weight. 

To know more about Facebook marketing services, Schedule a demo

Final words

While new social media platforms are popping up, Facebook is here to stay. You may fully exploit the platform’s potential by learning how to create a Facebook strategy for your company. You can implement the different steps mentioned in our Facebook marketing guide to get going. 

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Continue reading iTMunch for such informative guides that cover a range of topics including programmatic advertising, Facebook advertising, content syndication, email marketing, and more. 

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