On September 27th, 2018, Google will soon be celebrating its 20th birthday. For almost 20 years Google has been evolving and making some revolutionary changes in our lives. Google’s popularity knows no bounds, so much so that ‘When in doubt, Google it’ has now become a phrase.

While the best feature of Google still remains search engines, it is not the only feature they offer. Google offers various other products as well. From implementing a smooth process in your office with the help of Google Suite to helping you expand your digital marketing, Google offers it all. According to the latest marketing news, we have created a list of the following best Google marketing tools that can help you up your content marketing game.

Google Adwords Keyword Planner Tool for Marketing

For boosting your organic SEO, there is no tool like Google Adwords Keyword Planner. Keyword research helps you identify the keywords that you need to target while creating a blog or content for your website. If you want to be found by your target audience it is very important to use the most relevant keywords in your content. The Keyword Planner is a marketing tool built into Google Adwords. With long tail keywords gaining importance, you could use this tool to dig us some more long tail ideas along with your primary keyword.

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Google Analytics Tool for Setting Marketing Goals

If you want to understand the behaviour of your visitors, it is very important that you make use of Google Analytics. This tool helps you understand your website traffic and how are they finding your website. You can even find out if your content is reaching the target audience. You can easily track, report and analyze the website traffic in order to focus your marketing efforts on your most profitable channels.

Google Search Console for Monitoring Your Website

Google Search Console was formerly known as Google Webmaster Central and Google Webmaster Tools. This tool helps you monitor website performance in the Google search index. It provides you with a plethora of information about which is the most popular website, what the errors on your website are, how to build and submit a sitemap and how to create a robots.txt file.

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Google Tag Manager for simple and easy management

Google Tag Manager simplifies your process of tag management by helping you place, update and manage code snippets or tags easily. You can speed up the process of developing your website by deploying code/ tags without depending on a developer.

Google Content Experiments for testing your main pages

Previously this tool was called Google Website Optimizer before being changed to Google Content Experiments. The content experiments provide a quick way for testing your main pages and require very few code implementations. Content experiments consist of three main areas namely; the experiment-setup wizard, the lists of experiment and the individual reports for each and every experiment.

Google My Business for free advertising

If you want to get some free advertising for your business you should definitely make use of Google My Business. With this tool, you can manage your online presence in Google, including Google Search and Google Maps. Verify and edit your business information to appear attractive to your target audience. It is important to boost your search visibility in order to show up in local search results.

Every content marketing strategy needs to be customized according to your business requirements.
So there is a possibility that not every Google marketing tool may be useful for your business. However, if used right these basic products could go a long way in making your content marketing strategy efficient.

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