Isn’t it heartbreaking to find out that your content has not received many views or the engagement you were looking for? This is after you have invested a significant amount of hours into creating compelling and high-quality content. It is safe to say that this is every content marketer’s worst nightmare. Naturally, a question that keeps popping up in the content marketing world is – how can one promote their content and ensure it reaches a wider audience without having to shell out a lot of money?

Content syndication can help solve this issue, but many B2B marketers remain uncertain about how to proceed without negatively impacting their SEO. Additionally, they struggle to identify the most effective content syndication platforms to expand their audience. If you’re in a similar position, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered.

This article presents a list of top SEO-friendly content syndication platforms to help you achieve your marketing objectives. Before diving into the best content syndication platforms, let’s first review the basics of content syndication. If you’re new to the concept or need a refresher, we recommend reading our blog post that explains why content syndication is important for B2B businesses in today’s digital landscape.

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Run-through of the basics of content syndication for B2B marketers

Let’s begin by understanding what content syndication means and its relationship with search engine optimization (SEO). 

In simple terms, content syndication is the process of republishing your content on third-party platforms to reach new and larger audiences. It’s considered one of the most effective B2B lead generation techniques by marketers worldwide. Why? Because content syndication can help you promote your business, reach more customers, drive web traffic to your website, and boost ROI.

For these reasons, many B2B companies turn to content syndication as an affordable way to increase website traffic, enhance brand awareness, improve SEO performance, and boost website authority.

Relationship between SEO and content syndication platforms

Marketers frequently encounter a dilemma: they have an abundance of content to share and distribute, but they are uncertain about the most effective channels to use for reaching a wider audience with minimal resources. One useful approach to overcome this situation is to comprehend the connection between SEO and content syndication. Understanding this relationship can help marketers navigate this situation more efficiently.

SEO is a crucial component of a successful content syndication strategy. Marketers, particularly content marketers, should understand the various benefits of incorporating SEO into their content syndication efforts. Some of the major advantages of combining SEO with content syndication include:

  • Increased opportunities for backlinks
  • Improved domain authority
  • Enhanced search engine visibility

However, while there are numerous benefits associated with content syndication, it’s important to be aware of a few potential drawbacks. For example, search engines such as Google typically frown upon duplicate or plagiarized content, which can harm your rankings. Therefore, it’s crucial to distribute and republish your content on content syndication platforms in a manner that doesn’t negatively impact your SEO.

Content syndication done right 

As mentioned earlier, search engine algorithms typically view duplicate content unfavourably. Unfortunately, content syndication, if not executed correctly, can be mistaken for duplicate content by search engines.

Moreover, search engine crawlers give preference to content published on websites with high domain authority (DA) as the original source of the content. As a result, the original content source can be overlooked at times. This can happen if your website’s original material is not properly indexed or if your content syndication partner’s website lacks the rel=canonical tag.

Canonical tags enable search engines to recognize that there are several versions of the same content, but only the original should be indexed for the brand to receive the maximum SEO benefits and rank well based on user search intent. Using a meta no-index tag on the page can also serve this purpose.

To reduce the risk of undermining their SEO efforts, most prominent content syndication services automatically provide original publishers with canonical links by default.

Now, let us get to the crux of the article and examine a few top-rated content syndication platforms. 

SEO-friendly content syndication platforms

This section provides a better understanding of some of the top-rated content syndication platforms out there today. This is a handy list of some of the best content syndication platforms for all marketers working in the digital marketing space. 

Before we explore the list, kindly note that we have only listed the best free content syndication platforms in this article. 

Without further ado, let’s begin.

1. Quora

Quora is a widely recognized content syndication platform and one of the best in its class today. What sets Quora apart is its exceptional ability to provide businesses with a perfect platform to showcase their vision and thoughts on specific industry trends, new products, services, and much more. Quora is an ideal environment for your target audience to gain insights into your business, participate in industry-related discussions, and engage in question-and-answer sessions. 

Quora provides an excellent opportunity for businesses to connect with their customers and establish themselves as industry leaders.

2. Flipboard

Content syndication platform Flipboard - product images

Flipboard is a versatile content syndication platform that is predominantly designed for users who prefer to curate their own reading material based on their personal interests. Unlike traditional news platforms, Flipboard recommends content from a range of sources, including blogs, news feeds, social media, and video-sharing websites, tailored to the user’s tastes. This platform empowers users to create custom magazines that contain articles, news, and videos that they find compelling. In essence, Flipboard functions as a personalized magazine, carefully selected with the user’s interests in mind. Some might consider Flipboard to be a more advanced version of Pinterest, offering users a more sophisticated way to organize and access information that’s most relevant to them.

3. LinkedIn

Content syndication platform LinkedIn app on a mobile phone

Are you surprised to see LinkedIn in this list of content syndication platforms? Let’s shed light on why we have included LinkedIn in this list. 

While LinkedIn is a job-hunting platform aimed toward connecting professionals, colleagues, and peers, it offers so much more. Many thought leaders, industry experts, businesses, and freelancers use LinkedIn to publish their content and reach a wider audience. You can choose if you want to publish a whole article or add a read more link that will take you to the website where the content was originally posted. 

LinkedIn provides a perfect platform for companies to republish their content and drive relevant audience members to the website. Further, LinkedIn groups act as catalysts that ensure your content reaches relevant audiences. All these factors make LinkedIn one of the best content syndication platforms today. 

4. Medium

Medium is a highly popular online publishing platform that provides a user-friendly interface and a vast user base for readers and writers alike. With its vast array of insights and thoughts, Medium is the go-to platform for those seeking engaging and thought-provoking content. Medium also provides an ideal content syndication platform for brands to communicate their message in a discreet and expert manner. Its simple and intuitive design makes it easy for brands to establish their voice and communicate their message with their target audience effectively. These features make Medium one of the best content syndication platforms available today.

5. Slideshare

Slideshare is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking in-depth information on a particular topic through presentations. The platform offers excellent visibility to companies that repurpose their content for an engaged and curious audience. With its sizable built-in audience and social media sharing options, Slideshare is the ideal content syndication platform for companies with complex or technical offerings that require explainer videos to showcase how their products or services can benefit potential customers.

Parting notes

By now, you should have a fair understanding of how content syndication platforms can help you achieve your marketing goals. Each platform mentioned in this article offers something unique, yet they all help businesses and brands achieve the same goals, including better brand awareness, improved lead generation, increased visibility, and more.

In addition to the platforms discussed earlier, there are other noteworthy alternatives such as Feedly, Instant Articles, Product Hunt, Zest, and Scoop. Regardless of the platform you choose, it’s worth noting that content syndication offers plenty of benefits and is one of the best ways to improve your online presence

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Continue reading iTMunch for the latest articles covering topics including content syndication, programmatic advertising, B2B SEO, and technology. 

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