In the fast-paced world of B2B marketing, where email is still a key way to communicate, the success of your email campaigns relies not only on having interesting content but also on making sure that your emails get to the inboxes of the people you want them to. This is where the power to send emails comes in. In this detailed guide, we will go over the strategies and best practices for improving the content to ensure the highest B2B email deliverability rate. 

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Understanding Email Deliverability

Before discussing how to improve things, let’s talk about what it means for an email to be delivered. Email deliverability is the ability of an email to get to the recipient’s account without being marked as spam or getting lost in the vastness of the internet. You need more than hit the send button; your words must get to the right people at the right time.

Build a High-Quality Email List

A clean and active email list is a key part of being able to send emails. Lists you bought or lists you got without the right permission can hurt your deliverability by making your emails more feasible to be labeled as spam. Instead, you should focus on building a list of people who want to hear from you through lead generation campaigns, closed content, and registration forms. You should consider running your email list through an email deliverability checker for the best results. 

Segmentation is Key

Only some business-to-business partners have the same wants, problems, or hobbies. Segmentation lets you customize your content for different groups of people. This makes your emails more relevant and less likely to be marked as spam, thereby improving the email deliverability rate. Sort your list into groups based on business, job title, company size, and how people have responded to your content.

Craft Clear and Relevant Subject Lines

The first thing people see about your email is the subject line. Make it count by writing subject lines that are clear, interesting, and related to the content of your email. Don’t use clickbait-style subject lines because they can cause a lot of people to quit and complain about spam.

Create Valuable and Relevant Content

The text of your email should be useful to the person receiving it. This could come in the form of business information, training material, or answers to common problems in the B2B world. Good, relevant content keeps your users interested and makes your emails less likely to be labeled as spam, improving the email deliverability rate. 

Maintain a Balanced Text-to-Image Ratio

Visuals can make your email more interesting, but too many pictures without enough text can cause spam filters to go off. Aim for a good mix between text and pictures, and always add alt text to images to ensure they can be seen even if images are blocked.

Personalization and Dynamic Content

People are more likely to read letters that are personalized to them. Hence, to improve email deliverability, use material that changes based on the person’s tastes, actions, or past experiences with your brand. This amount of customization shows that the material you’re sharing is important, not just general emails.

Optimize for Mobile Devices

Many B2B workers check their email on their phones or tablets. Ensure your email themes are flexible and work well on different sizes of screens using an email deliverability checker. A smooth mobile experience not only makes users more interested but also makes it easier to deliver.

Include a Clear Call to Action (CTA)

There should be a clear and powerful call to action in every email. A clear CTA tells the reader what to do next: download a resource, sign up for a conference, or ask for a sample. This interaction tells email servers that your content is useful and worth reading.

Authenticate Your Emails

Use security methods like SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) to ensure that your emails come from your address and are not faked by scam accounts. Authentication makes you look more trustworthy and stops fake scams.

Monitor and Clean Your List Regularly

Email addresses can get old or stop working over time. Check and clean your email list often to eliminate addresses that bounced or were removed using an email deliverability checker. This behavior not only makes it easier to send emails but also makes it less likely that people will report them as spam.

email deliverability

Set Clear Expectations

During the subscription process, set clear expectations about the type and frequency of emails your subscribers will receive. This transparency reduces the likelihood of spam complaints and keeps your audience engaged and interested, improving your email deliverability rate.

Avoid Spam Triggers

Specific terms and phrases can trigger spam filters. Words like “free,” “earn money fast,” or excessive use of exclamation marks should be used sparingly. Be mindful of your email’s overall appearance, avoiding overly flashy designs or excessive capitalization. You can run your content through an email deliverability checker to identify spam triggers. 

Test Before Sending

Always test your emails across different email clients and devices before sending them out. This helps identify formatting issues or broken elements that could negatively impact the recipient’s experience.

Monitor Engagement Metrics

Pay close attention to metrics like open, click-through, and unsubscribe rates. These metrics provide insights into how well your emails are received and whether adjustments are needed.

Handle Unsubscribes Promptly

Make the unsubscribe process straightforward. Not only is this a legal requirement in many jurisdictions, but it also helps maintain a positive sender reputation. Handling unsubscribes promptly reduces the likelihood of recipients marking your emails as spam.

Use a Reputable Email Service Provider (ESP)

Choose a reputable ESP that adheres to email best practices. A good ESP will have the proper infrastructure to ensure high deliverability rates, provide valuable analytics, and offer features that support your email marketing goals.

A/B Testing

Regularly conduct A/B tests on various aspects of your emails, including subject lines, sender names, CTAs, and content layout. A/B testing helps you refine your email content based on real data, improving engagement and deliverability over time.

Feedback Loops

Leverage email feedback loops provided by ISPs (Internet Service Providers) like Gmail and Yahoo. These loops allow you to receive notifications when a recipient marks your email as spam. By promptly removing recipients who mark your emails as spam, you demonstrate your commitment to maintaining a clean list.

Use Preheaders Effectively

Preheaders, the text that follows the subject line in the inbox preview, can provide additional context to your email. Use preheaders strategically to entice recipients to open your email by elaborating on the subject line or offering a sneak peek of the content.

Timing Matters

Consider the timing of your email sends. Research your audience’s time zones and schedules to send emails when they are most likely to check their inboxes. Tools like email marketing automation platforms often provide insights into optimal send times based on your audience’s behavior.

Manage Email Frequency

Refrain from inundating your subscribers with emails. Too many emails in a short period can lead to fatigue and higher unsubscribe rates. Segment your list and control email frequency to avoid overwhelming your recipients.


Optimizing B2B email content for deliverability requires a holistic approach encompassing list quality, content relevance, personalization, technical authentication, and continuous monitoring. By following these best practices, you enhance your email deliverability and build stronger relationships with your B2B audience, leading to increased engagement and improved conversion rates. Remember, successful email marketing combines art and science – compelling content delivered to the right people at the right time.

Continue reading iTMunch for the latest news and articles related to email marketing. Learn more about our email marketing services.

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