Email is still a strong tool for B2B (business-to-business) contact and lead creation in the ever-changing world of digital marketing. But the conquest of email marketing depends on one very important thing: delivery. Email delivery is more than just another one of the many email marketing trends we follow. It’s what determines the success of your campaign.

Ensuring your emails get to the right people’s inboxes is the most important part of B2B email marketing. As we look to the future, several trends are changing how we think about email delivery in the B2B world. It’s important to understand and adapt to these new trends to stay ahead of the game and get the most out of your email efforts.

So, after we discussed multiple trends in Chapter 1, here’s iTMunch’s second chapter on the future trends in B2B email deliverability that businesses should follow to stay ahead of the curve. 

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The Current State of B2B Email Deliverability

Before delving into future trends, let’s establish a baseline by discussing the current state of B2B email deliverability. It’s a complex and ever-changing landscape, influenced by various factors, including spam filters, sender reputation, content quality, and recipient engagement.

  • Spam Filters: Spam filters are becoming increasingly sophisticated, utilizing machine learning algorithms to determine and block unwanted emails. While this is a boon for recipients, it presents challenges for legitimate senders. Even well-intentioned emails can end up in spam folders if they trigger certain filter criteria.
  • Sender Reputation: Your sender reputation is crucial for deliverability. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) assess your sender’s reputation based on bounce rates, spam complaints, and engagement metrics. 
  • Content Quality: The content of your emails matters more than ever. Irrelevant, poorly formatted, or overly promotional content can trigger spam filters and alienate recipients. Personalization and relevance are key.
  • Recipient Engagement: ISPs increasingly consider recipient engagement when determining inbox placement. Emails that recipients ignore or mark as spam are more likely to be filtered out.

Future Trends in B2B Email Deliverability

To ensure your B2B email campaigns remain effective in the future, you need to adapt to the following trends:

1. Predictive Lead Scoring

Predictive lead scoring is a data-driven method that uses machine learning algorithms to give scores to leads based on their chance to turn into buyers. In the context of email marketing, predictive lead score helps marketers find the most likely leads to target in their email efforts.

AI programs examine various data points, including past customer data, website behavior, email interaction, and personal information, to predict which leads are most likely to take the desired actions, such as making a purchase or asking more information. By focusing their email efforts on high-scoring leads, B2B marketers can improve their email campaigns for better results and higher delivery rates.

2. Emphasis on Engagement Metrics

Email deliverability will still be based on engagement data. ISPs increasingly use read, click-through, and conversion rates as the most important factors in deciding where an email goes in the inbox.

One of the most popular email marketing trends is that to stay ahead, B2B marketers need to focus on making interesting content that gets people to connect with it. This means making topic lines that interest people, sending emails with useful information, and ensuring the email design leads people to take the actions you want them to take.

3. Artificial Intelligence in Email Content Creation

The tools that use AI to make content are getting smarter. These tools can look at data to help you develop email subject lines, body copy, and calls to action that people are more likely to respond to.

AI can look at past email campaigns and how people responded to them to develop subject lines that have led to better open rates. Creativity will always have a place in marketing, but AI can help make email content more effective by using data-driven insights.

4. Dark Mode Optimization

As more email apps and mobile devices add dark mode choices, emails need to be optimized for this way of reading. Dark mode turns the usual black text on a white background into white text on a dark background. This makes it easier on the eyes when there isn’t a lot of light.

B2B marketers should think about using light-colored text on a dark background, changing pictures to fit the color scheme, and trying emails in dark mode to make sure users have a smooth experience. If you don’t optimize for dark mode, people might ignore or delete your emails, which could hurt your reach.

email deliverability

5. Inbox Placement Services

With the difficulty of email delivery rising, services focusing on improving folder placement will become more important. These services can tell you a lot about how well your email campaigns are doing and give tips and strategies to ensure your emails get to the inbox.

By using the knowledge of these services, B2B marketers can better navigate the always-changing world of email deliverability.

6. Video in Email

Video is a type of content that is very interesting and is being hailed as one of the top email marketing trends. In the future, email marketing can use video more fluidly.

For example, instead of directly inserting videos, email marketers might use video previews with play buttons that, when hit, open a landing page or a video player. This method gives receivers a lively and involved experience without causing problems with email delivery due to big file sizes.

7. A/B Testing and Experimentation

Testing and experimenting will always be key to the success of email marketing. In the future, we can expect more advanced A/B testing methods to let marketers tweak their ads based on real-time data.

This means trying out different topic lines material, sending times, and different ways to divide your list into groups. A/B testing gives businesses data-driven insights that they can use to improve the delivery and impact of their email marketing. There are multiple email deliverability tools that can help in this process.

8. Automated Email Deliverability Monitoring

It will be common for email delivery to be monitored proactively. Automated tools will let marketers know about delivery problems immediately so they can fix them immediately.

These tools will keep track of measures like bounce rates, spam reports, and the image of the sender. When problems come up, they will send out tips and suggestions. Automated tracking ensures that any problems that could slow down delivery are fixed as soon as possible.

9. Multi-Channel Integration

Email marketing for business-to-business (B2B) will be used more and more with other marketing platforms. You must be consistent and work together across all platforms to build strong ties with leads and customers.

For example, an email campaign could accompany a social media campaign by encouraging email readers to interact with linked material on social platforms. This combined method makes it easier for people to see and interact with the company in more places.

10. Sustainability and Ethical Email Practices

Sustainability is becoming more and more important in business. B2B email marketers must consider how their email efforts will affect the earth. This includes lowering the number of emails, ensuring emails use as little energy as possible, and using green server services.

Ethical ways to use email will also be stressed. Marketers should make it a priority to send useful material to people who are interested, reduce email lethargy, and respond quickly to requests to stop. For long-term email deliverability, you need to build trust with your receivers.


B2B email delivery is an area that is always changing, and to stay ahead of the curve, you have to change to new trends. B2B email marketing will continue to be shaped by personalization, AI-driven analytics, privacy compliance, data quality, mobile optimization, and interaction measures. By following these trends and using new technologies, B2B marketers can ensure their emails get to the right people and produce measured results in a market that is getting more competitive. To be successful in B2B email marketing in the future, you need to be fluid, driven by data and focused on the customer.

Continue reading iTMunch for the latest news and articles related to email marketing. Learn more about our email marketing services.

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